Friday, June 12, 2015

Reconciliation is a two-way street

Reconciliation is a two-way street

 Re: Jeffrey Simpson

Throughout our history with Indigenous Peoples in Canada, our 'agreements' have been full of weasel words, poison pills, sharp dealing, double talk and bald faced lies. The First Nations education 'deal' between Harper and Shawn Atleo was no different. 
 /pamela-palmater/2014/04/ chief-shawn-atleo-should-tear-first-nations-education-act
" Then came the "deal" -- the promise of adequate funding, First Nation control and legislation that would recognize our Aboriginal and treaty rights to education. From the moment Atleo-Harper held their joint press conference, First Nations knew we were in trouble. Atleo sang songs about how he was saving our children from the status quo while Harper countered every point Atleo made -- although with great tact. When Atleo realized that Harper wasn't singing the same song, Atleo sent a strongly worded letter asking whether or not any of the promises Atleo made to First Nations were in fact going to be kept by Harper. The answer was no.
 Lawyers, academics, analysts and political commentators all seemed to come to the same conclusion: the Act did not reflect First Nation control or protect treaty rights, and even the funding was an illusion.   "The proof is in the act -- Bill C-33 which was supposed to be called First Nations Control of First Nations Education Act actually reads: An Act to establish a framework to enable First Nations control ..." "
 Weasel words, poison pills, sharp dealing, double talk ... forked tongue.

Historically, 'Indian' Agents and other Crown agents have made 'deals' with whomever they could isolate and get to sign a paper, without the ratification by the whole community that is required by the Royal Proclamation 1763:
 "... at some public Meeting or Assembly of the said Indians, to be held for that Purpose"
 Many such historic 'deals' have now been overturned in land claims actions on that basis - the community never consented. With that history, the scene of Shawn Atleo and Harper working out some secret deal ... Atleo singing it's merits while Harper undermines every commitment it 'appears' to make ... deja vu to Indigenous communities. It was doomed to fail.

Jeffrey Simpsons 'analysis' is very lightweight, superficial, patronizing and colonialist. He doesn't address anything of substance at all, and makes no attempt to comprehend First Nations perspectives. And his poisonous words "radical aboriginals" ... referring to Dr. Palmater and others ... reveal pure racism. Jeffrey Simpson ' s racist diatribe reveals everything that is wrong with Canada.

 Where we are today, in the aftermath of the truth about the residential schools' genocide ... we have to do better:
Reconciliation is a two way street.